Wednesday 25 June 2014

Vacation Bible School

In the grand tradition of the American summer, our church puts on a free Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the kiddies. It is only a half day, for ages 4yrs-grade 5. In the other grand tradition, of over-volunteering, I agreed to be a teacher for a class of 18 four year olds, but by special request, not the class my four year old is attending. I have gotten through my baptism of fire, by asking advice from the only effective helper that I had on Monday, and shamelessly copying everything the teachers did at class 4YA (another four year old class) that seemed like a good idea.
The theme is Genesis 1 - Space Probe, and the application of the space theme has been enthusiastic and wide spread (I'm sure the words 'only in America' could be applied to the way the theme has been expanded to cover every aspect of life in the day).
So now, I am trying to answer questions such as, "What does God's space ship look like", and "Is heaven in space", and "Do the Americans call heaven a Life Star?", right down to a half hour discussion based on the fact that one picture of the 'redemption rocket' (don't ask) appears to have lights that look a bit like emergency lights (ie, lights on a fire engine) but the next picture doesn't have those lights in evidence. Oh yeah, and lets not forget the discussion about what would happen if the astronaut pressed the 'do not touch' button again, and exactly how was the rocket ship rocking when the astronaut fell out, after he had touched the 'do not touch' button.
Other related news is that he is now drawing launch pads and rocket ships as well as fire engines, tractors and trains (after I explained what 'launch' meant).

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