Friday 20 June 2014

Surviving hot weather with children

Everyone, this is my newly discovered secret weapon for those disgusting hot days... ice and water in insulated mugs/milkshake makers.
The downside:
Having to give your Tupperware insulated mug to a child to use :(
A two year old lugging the milkshake maker around will occasionally spill water. This is where I'm thankful that our couches are leather, and that water doesn't stain. (When he isn't thinking about his aim, he will also pour water down his chest as he misses his mouth. And then insist on a shirt change.)
You have to help kids open and close the containers
Very wet nappies/lots of toilet breaks
One suspected ruined appetite at dinner due to drinking too much water (not Captain Fussy, he is in the period of just gently whingeing that this isn't exactly what he wanted for dinner)

The upside:
Cool, well hydrated children and parent

Just for the record, the weather this week -
Monday - 81 (about 27C)
Tuesday - 86 (30C)
Wednesday - 91 (about 33C)
Thursday - 84 (about 29C) (with storm through in the night)
Friday - 79 (about 27C)

Humidity - enough such that on every day except Friday, when you went outside you got sweaty, no matter what you did (i'm guessing it started at 60% and went higher?). Temps around 70-73  (about 21-23C) at night. No stable breeze, except when storms coming through.

Other things - we bought these yoghurt icy poles - they can be eaten refrigerated or frozen.
Anzac biscuits, both the cooking and the eating
Getting out to the park EARLY (7.50am)
We haven't survived completely, it is Friday and the kiddies are a touch unsettled/uncontrollable/wild.

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