Tuesday 3 June 2014

Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park

As near as I can tell, Shenandoah National Park is a long skinny park following a range of mountains south. Skyline Drive runs along a ridge line all the way through the park, about 104 miles long. There are heaps of overlooks (look outs for my Australian readers), and walks all through the park, and of course, the Appalachian trail runs through the park as well. There are campsites, I'm not sure how many, and three places that have cabins/rooms, where you can stay. There are also little stores called Waysides (about three?) where you can buy food, camping supplies, and souvenirs.
Shenandoah National Park was formed in 1935, by compulsory acquisition of land privately owned and moving whole communities off the mountains. There are still traces of the old farms, barns, cemeteries etc in the mountains. I think some of the shelters along the Appalachian trail are actually old farm buildings. It is sort of sad that while the National Park is great, people had to go through such disruption to create it.
We did little walks suitable for our little children, and one big walk (with many breaks), down to Rose River Falls. We also stopped off at quite a few overlooks (I suspect in the end we got view fatigued, because while the overlooks do all look out on different bits of the park, they all looked like mountains with trees on to me). At the moment, the park is lush and green. It is apparently even better in Fall (Autumn) when the leaves are turning different colours.
We stayed two nights at Big Meadows Lodge, in a one room suite on the end of a long cabin. It was a very enjoyable three days.


  1. Is this the Shenandoah of the song fame that you sing in primary school.( Maybe only in my day.) "oh Shenandoah I long to see you... " or am I on the wrong track.

  2. Not sure about that one. I don't know the song myself!


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