Monday 16 June 2014

Play area at the mall


Our local Westfield mall has a kids play area, and a large aquarium full of fish to look at. It is all down a wing of the mall that has kids clothes shops, a small train that you can get rides on, and a more enclosed food court area. Oh, and a Starbucks :). Our kids always enjoy a bit of a run around, and look at the fish, and it is a real boon for a break in proceedings if you're trying to grind out a list of things to do, or if one parent needs some kid free time to try and sort out the shops and whats available (ie, the other parent spends a couple of hours oscillating between aquarium and play area with kiddies).
Note to self, when next leaving a whole lot of shopping until you get to another country, please remember that you are a horrendous shopper, you have two children and minimal babysitting available, one child needs to sleep at 12, the bus system is light-on, and you don't know what is stocked in all the different shops, so a lot of research is required, oh, and the clanger, the shops don't open until 10am here!!! No, really. I'll try to expand later on.
Interestingly enough, what the local Westfield doesn't have, is a grocery store, any sort of fresh food market, or service shops (ie, banks, medicare etc). What it does have, is HEAPS of parking - we have never been forced to search for a park.
My four year old would also add that it has a Lego store. Luckily (for us parents) it is not close to the aquarium or the play area.


  1. I think I could deal with all of that- except the 10am start! urgh.

  2. Wow! That's so fun! But I don't understand how you do all your shopping in one place? Does that mean you have to drive to all the different shops to get different things? Or do you just go to a mega walmart or something to get groceries?


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